KITE Assessment - Moving to a Different Room | Reactivating a Test


A student started a test but has to move to a different room (or test machine) to continue testing. What should I do?

If a student has started a test and then needs to move to a different machine or a different room to complete the test, the student should exit the test. (See question below). The student should move to the new room or machine as soon as possible and log back in to Kite Student Portal.

How do I reactivate a test if a student was logged out during a break?

If your student is taking a high-stakes test and needs to have their test reactivated, perform the following steps:

Note: If the status is listed as “In Progress,” the test can be re-entered using a Daily Access Code. If the student re-enters the test on the same day, then they will use the ticket for that day. If the student enters the test the next day, they must use the DAC for the current day.

  1. Log in to Kite Educator Portal.

  2. Click on the Manage Tests menu.

  3. Click on Test Coordination.

  4. Fill in any required drop downs and click search.

  5. Find and click on the name of the test session in which the student needing reactivation is enrolled.

  6. Click the Monitor tab.

  7. If the student’s test status is “In Progress,” the student’s test will not need to be reactivated and should be visible to the student when they login to Student Portal.

  8. If the test shows as “Complete,” it will need to be reactivated.

  9. Select the student by checking the box in front of the Student Record.

  10. Click the “Reactivate” button.

  11. A message should confirm the reactivation, and the status of the test should change to “In Progress.” The student will now have to log back in to the test using the Daily Access Code for the current day, moving through the sections in sequential order, starting with section 1, clicking the “End” button for each section. The answers previously entered by the student will be saved.

For more information on KAP and KITE Assessment testing click the link below.